Several annotations (disclaimer: being a KSM tattoo owner): I joined the community in July 2021 for 0 KSM. A lot of people wanted to join the community at that time and there was quite some movement and discussion on what to do with the funds. Several things happened from then on:
Some people obviously abandoned the community, yet (naturally) were still selected as skeptics. This caused several valid candidate elections to fail. I earned 4 strikes due to inactivity of members who were inactive or left the community.
Since elections are hold in a 7 day turn, with 10 strikes to get thrown out of the community and a random skeptic selection it takes quite a lot of time until the community gets rid of inactive members.
Also the community turned rather inactive with the rest of crypto cooling down massively last year. There were dozens(!) of bids that apparently never were considered worth taking yhe risk or not a serious bid at all, in particular with regard to KSM value.
Remember KSM reached close to 600 USD in June(?) 2021, peaked again in Nov 2021 and with a lot of turbulences (as everywhere else) eventually reached full fledged crypto winter in summer 2022 with KSM hovering around 25-35 USD. Even a 5-8 KSM bid (which was a popular range before) meant little, given a visible & partwise increasing risk NOT to receive approval even with a valid proof of ink.
Since there was a lot of depression I would conclude that the main incentive to become member of the community was gone for quite a long time due to the circumstances described above.
From my perspective only very recently “real” candidates started applying to the community, particularly with bids coming close to a headline making bid (“This community will pay you $XXXX to get a tattoo”). People are willing to take the risk even though they can get rejected in this range.
From the perspective of the experiment I don’t see any reason to act and a lot of reasons to watch how things turn out mid term. I’d be interested to hear why this discussion takes place now and why this (imho pretty crazy) experiment should be deamed a failure as of now. As someone who entered crypto in 2014, I am convinced these few years mean close to nothing.