Kusama issue #1: Treasury burn, Kappa Sigma Mu and the richest collective you've never heard of

I was exaggerating for comedic effect.

I know this, I have tattoos, they mean something to me, even if they are both shit. I was again exaggerating for comedic effect.

Governance is very very boring for most people. A large number of people are not aware of KappaSigmaMu, or of the treasury burn model, therefore in the spirit of satire and in the public interest, I felt it was/is my public duty to poke some holes in all the serious stuff.

I’m sorry if you were personally offended, it was not my intention.

I had intended to offend the entire collective - since this entity has no legal fiction or representation to be offended, which allows me a nice segue into your following point.

This is even greater reason for burning or repatriating funds - the collective is legally incapable of spending funds since it is, like other structures in the ecosystem an unincorporated association per Legal status of Kusama / Polkadot DAOs.

The society is an organisation that is receiving communal funds, operating with something approaching impunity, outside of the existing governance, circumventing processes that others must walk across burning coals through.

The continuing treasury spend is at the benevolence of the public as a whole, there is no divine reason for KappaSigmaMu to continue to receive this spend unquestioned.

If you want responsibility, expect critique and be comfortable in the fact that it is the game, the system, the entity that is being questioned, not the individuals.