Introducing OAK Network - The automation parachain!

Hey there everyone!

Christian aka Polkadirks from the parachain OAK Network and our canary network Turing.

Our parachain offers secure and trustless automation - enhancing payments and financial infrastructure for the web 3.0

The OAK Network team is incredibly passionate about Polkadot and Kusama. You can learn more about our network on our website here.

If you have any questions about what OAK does please leave a comment and we can start a discussion!

Christian Dirk
OAK Network


Hey Christian,

Cool solution. We are working on adding the automation staking of TUR into SubWallet.

Are you sure this link is accurate? Goes to a google spreadsheet


Ops you are correct! I will fix this now. thank you!

I’m a big fan. :star_struck:

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Could you post some interesting examples of things happening with OAK at the moment?

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Sure thing @rphmeier!

Our team is working hard to make genuine automation across Polkadot and Kusama possible. After a successful bootstrap on the Mangata DEX we are focused on creating great functionality.
We have launched auto compounding features for our parachain Turing - this auto compounding allows parachain supporters to automatically reinvest their staking rewards into a delegation, maximizing potential yields.

Our goal is to make this functionality across all parachains and dotsama dapps. For a range of services including staking but also liquidity pools and money vaults etc. We have opened up a range of HRMP channels with other parachains and have some further exciting projects planned.

Can read a bit more about our bi-directional communication here.

And of course we have our upcoming Polkadot crowdloan beginning soon! You can check out info about that here.

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@matt and @irsal also just updated our docs yesterday (Overview | OAK Docs) to help devs more easily locate the APIs they’re looking for.