Kylin is building a decentralised oracle system with
a configurable framework for democratically creating and managing its oracle system entities.
- Service level agreement (SLA) between the providers and consumers of data
- Multi-level oracle data agglomeration to balance security, authenticity, persistency and speed
- Transparency and traceability of data provenance
- Democratization of the data management process
- Multi purpose dispute resolution mechanism/ truth machine
- Extra voting rules which can help to assess and strenghten the validity of a vote
- Data and feed ownership management with NFT and metadata
- Free data market
Before any of this can be achieved with the outside world,
the Kylin team is asking for the collaboration of other parchains
to help us create a federated and decentralised parachain oracle system
by contributing &&|| receiving a feed through the install of 1 or 2 pallets.
The goal of this initial proposal is to:
- Initially offer cheap and reliable agglomerated i64 feeds
- Rely on the fact that the providers are parachains and thus reliable
- Provide a running testing platform on rococo network for auditing
the system before any subsequent work is done. - Give us more time to build adequate requisites for our KYR (Know your reporter)
system with our partners
*Test the limits/possibilities of XCM
The pallets we wish for you to install reside here:
The tool used to interact with the system:
and a tutorial for doing this:
Current uncertainties:
- Due to the asynchronous nature of XCM, the feeds could have a substantial latency.
We look forward to testing this in the wild.
Fortunately, accomplished oracle systems like Chainlink, have a turn around of 120 seconds, which should be easily achievable.
*Although we believe that a certain level of trust can be obtained from parachains,
this is not logically guaranteed. A contract or agreement will surely have to be signed
before deploying on Kusama or Polkadot.
*We realize that the use of contracts might be optimal to this and we are looking forward to developing this with Swanky!
We understand that this is probably not the perfect solution to achieve this so
we look forward to any feedback to fulfill our mandate to become the oracle system of choice for Dotsama.
- The Kylin team: Tristan, Razvan and Sylvain