Decentralized Futures Programs: Magport Labs, Advancing Technology Development and Promotion within the Polkadot Ecosystem

:dash:请记住:才华横溢的开发者和 DeFi 爱好者才是拥护并使得polkadot长久以来的基座和后盾,华丽的装饰和空虚的口号是吸血鬼们榨干生态资源的唯一手段,权利的下放听起来很棒,没有负责的策略和判断标准,只会让这个生态彻底沦为杠杆的废墟!


I have met both Qinwen and Acai in person and have discussed some of their upcoming ideas with them, and they are not only extremely smart and innovative with a deep understanding of Polkadot technology, but also very much committed to Polkadot’s success as we take the road to 2.0. I believe they will build important infrastructure that will enable developers to more easily build chains and products leveraging the Polkadot SDK that will directly contribute to improving developer experience.