Decentralized DOT<>ETH Bridges: A Comparison Thread

I apologise for the delay in answering this. Efficiency improvements to BLS signatures verification, regarding either individual signatures or aggregated signatures, are suitable and indeed may help signature aggregators and light client verifiers for bridges as formally described here and summarised here. We (the research team at Web3 Foundation) have been working on such improvements for a while and very recently we have published this formal pre-print. For more details, I have started a new thread with a summary description of our work here.

At the moment, compared to Kobi’s initial post, our proposed scheme benefits from more efficient verification for individual signatures as in our case we avoid expensive pairing operations. Additionally, we have a formal security model and a formal security proof. We are already working on more benchmarks and comparisons regarding implementation that we will include/publish soon and we are also planning further improvements regarding the verification for the proofs-of-possession that accompany public keys.