Decentralized DOT<>ETH Bridges: A Comparison Thread

Unfortunately whether this will directly help is also not clear. There are of course many choices for BLS signatures - curves, hash-to-curve etc. For BEEFY with the light client aggregation rollup, we will want validators to sign using the BLS12-377 curve, but on Ethereum, they will use BLS12-381. And I don’t know what we will fix on using for any host call and what will be an option.

In the long run, we want to standardise on the Arkworks library for elliptic curve crypto. It offers many options for curves. We went to some length to make sure it had the IETF hash to curve standard that Ethereum is using. We are considering adding more general purpose host calls for that so you’d be able to do fast pairings and other slow crypto operations in native rather than Wasm code for many curves.

Before then, you can of course use any Rust library for Ethereum-like BLS signatures, whether that is one an Ethereum client uses or Arkworks, compiled to Wasm in a runtime. Anyway, of course talk to us.