Contracts on AssetHub Roadmap

This is possible. Cross contract calls can be done using the normal Solidity syntax.

This will become possible through an XCM pre-compile that will allow executing, sending, and receiving XCM messages. At first, we will implement XCM. We can also look at other protocols or allow a more low level transport where other protocols can be built upon.

Agreed. We should have an Ethereum compatible DEX. We will have something similar to Moonbeam’s XC20 that allows interacting with AssetHub assets as if they were ERC20 contracts.

We will built pre-compiles for all relevant runtime features. Just exposing dispatchables won’t work because they can’t return data. They are also not stable enough and it is cumbersome to use them. Having pre-compiles for each API will make it easy to consume.

As of right now PolkaVM is part of the runtime. So Smoldot supports it out of the box.

The RPC proxy is a different story. We made sure that its endpoints don’t become part of the client spec to not increase the burden of implementations like Smoldot. If you run Smoldot locally on your computer you can run the RPC proxy and connect it to Smoldot already just as if it was a full node. However, when you run Smoldot in the browser that is not possible out of the box. It will require some work to compile the proxy for the browser and incorporate it with substrate connect.


Thanks for the quick response Alex.

Polkadot’s two main tenants: shared security and interoperability.

However, as we have learned, there are limitations to what can be built regarding synchronicity for dApps that want to leverage a cross-chain solution. JAM aims to alleviate this. I do believe it makes sense for certain operations to leverage cross-chain interactions and others simply do not scale in terms of composability. Developers will have to find a sweet spot for this or we, as stewards in Polkadot, should give them a clear and effective pathway to build decentralized applications in a multi-chain, multi-service world.

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I recently watched this excellent video and there is mention of moving functionality from the Relay chain to Asset Hub:

Since I am developing a project on this, do we have a roadmap of when this will happen?


We expect this to complete in Q3. If it isn’t a one-shot we can add individual pre-compiles as soon as the corresponding functionality gets migrated. Out of curiosity, what is the project you are working on?

I am part of a PBA alumni DAO working group.
We are looking at creating a DAO for PBA.

At first, we will go with the standard multisig/proxy approach:

Thanks to Leemo for the above setup!

But with the advent of Solidity running on native Polkadot, we are exploring the possibility of creating a Solidity smart contract for the DAO, to deliver a true Web3 experience. However, we are constrained to what is technically available.

I would love to have your team’s feedback on this! (and find alignment) Perhaps this could be the first real-world use case that could drive the first set of features for the Polkadot Hub.

Here are the different approaches I see:

The above is under the premise that:

  • XCM is not available to use with Solidity
  • OpenGov is not on Polkadot Hub
  • There are no precompiles that could help build a more trustless solution

The above is under the premise that:

  • there is no XCM to use with Solidity
  • OpenGov is on Polkadot Hub
  • There is a precompile to work with OpenGov

The above is under the premise that:

  • XCM is available to be used with Solidity
  • OpenGov is on the Relay chain