ChatGPT4 prompts to understand Polkadot protocol

Understand polkadot specs

Polkadot JS API code samples

  • Give example of digital signatures with public-key cryptography in polkadot using polkadot js API? skip the steps and show the code example directly.
  • how to send and receive money using sudo accounts in polkadot js API ?

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Explain Stored Value from Polkadot Protocol Specification | Polkadot Protocol Specification

In the Polkadot network specification, “Stored Value” refers to a value that is stored in the blockchain’s state trie. The state trie is a data structure that holds the entire state of the blockchain, including account balances, contract states, and any other data relevant to the blockchain. The state trie is organized as a Merkle tree, which provides a secure and efficient way to store and retrieve data, as well as to generate and verify proofs of state.

A Stored Value can represent various types of data depending on the context and the specific application running on the Polkadot network or a parachain. Some examples of Stored Values include:

  1. Account balances: The amount of native tokens (e.g., DOT for Polkadot) or other assets held by an account.
  2. Nonce values: A counter used to prevent transaction replay attacks.
  3. Contract state: The state of a smart contract, including its storage variables, code, and other associated data.
  4. Governance data: Information related to on-chain governance, such as proposals, votes, and other relevant data.
  5. Staking information: Data related to validators, nominators, and staking rewards.

Stored Values are organized in the state trie using keys, which are derived from relevant data associated with the value (e.g., account address, contract address, or other identifiers). The key-value pairs are then hashed and stored in the trie, enabling efficient lookups and updates.

In summary, a Stored Value in the Polkadot network specification refers to a piece of data stored in the blockchain’s state trie. This data can represent various types of information, such as account balances, contract states, or governance-related data, and is organized using keys derived from relevant identifiers.