Cardano Partnerchain V1 Release - Built on Substrate

Hey there :slight_smile:
As already shared elsewhere, figured would be good to drop it here as well…

The Cardano ecosystem is currently building its Partnerchain Framework and IOHK (One of Cardano founding entities) published on August 1st, 2024 its initial V1.0 of the Cardano - Partnerchain built on Substrate. Thats something very awesome to see and something the Polkadot ecosystem can be surely proud about. Its definitely a success to see other ecosystems implementing Polkadot technology, growing the Substrate ecosystem and indeed something what should be highlighted.

Find the V1.0 at Release Partner Chains Node v1.0.0 · input-output-hk/partner-chains · GitHub

With that, we see more and more synergies across the Cardano & Polkadot ecosystems, while Polkadot uses Ouroboros (Cardano’s PoS Consensus mechanisms), its great to see Cardano now also using Polkadot tech, as well as the very similar governance structures used by both ecosystems, PoS + Liquid democracy… seems there is a maturing space of use-cases benefiting from each others work and efforts and curious what else will emerge there over time :slight_smile:


On the above topic… we are cuttently checking in with the IOG - Partnerchain Team to organise a online session to provide some additional context & insights, answering questions etc.

Now looking to collect some questions and would love to hear what folks here would have on their mind :slight_smile:

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Does anyone feel like Cardano is drinking Polkadot’s milkshake?

" DRAINAGE!!! DRAINAGE, Eli you … boy. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that’s a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE" – Plainview, from There will be Blood.

When Plainview says, “I drink your milkshake,” he’s saying - you cannot stop me . I don’t need your permission; wealth is my permission to exploit. You cannot refuse me.

Here is Plainview, in … plain view.

Can someone explain why partnerchains and parachains is good for DOT token holders?

Hmmm, not sure if i fully understand… but let me to try to give a take on that.

First of all, Parachains are the core architecture on which Polkadot was built upon.
Instead of writing a own thing which would take quite some time and would be a duplication of efforts, i’d rather refer to already exisiting (and quite detailed) sources which do a great job in explaining what you are asking for (far better than i could by myself)

If you prefer to get a understanding in video format, here you go:

Ultimately, and if you want to go in much more depth and detail, its worth to read through the

Finally, all above explains very well why such a design is not only valuable to Polkadot, but also to other Blockchain ecosystems like Cardano. Important to mention that we speak about Open Source Technology, which very purpose is to allow others to make use of gained knowledge and to apply it elsewhere. Having other Blockchain ecosystems using Polkadot Open Source technology is in my perspective not about exploiting things, but instead a measurement of success, proving the value of the Polkadot Parachain technology, growing the substrate ecosystem :slight_smile:

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What properties of the Polkadot Relay Chain will be ported to Cardano?

Will a parachain be able to move from Polkadot to Cardano and get greater security?


Good questions ^^

The Cardano Partnerchain framework currently focuses on mainly two things:
(As outlined in the Cardano - Partnerchain repo )

  1. partner-chains-node: A Substrate-based node binary tailored for operating Cardano partner chains
  2. partner-chains-cli: A command-line interface wizard designed for the configuration of Cardano partner chains

Need to keep in mind that it is a initial V1, so only the beginning and i think we can count on further development. As far as i know, the IOG Parterchain Team is doing quite some research on Polkadot to figure what else might be most applicable and usable for the Cardano context. (Hope to see e.g Pallets and such being used as well :slight_smile: ) For now, they didnt released a roadmap on further developments, so one can only dream ^^

Will post any updates once available :slight_smile:

Also, to facilitate the collection of any questions and thoughts, inviting everyone to contribute at this

( added your question alredy there @sourabhniyogi as they are rly good ones already XD )

I assume that they will do this, at least for the beginning. I don’t think that they will come up that fast with their own kind of way of writing a runtime.

The good thing, I already see them contributing back which I like and is a good signal. At least they are not only using it, but also helping to make the code base better.


Your question is the same as asking why the US bothers with foreign policy and the spread of its values. Because ultimately cohesion amongst nations makes both entities stronger. There won’t be a world where Polkadot is the only nation. So forming alliances, especially with other nations as ideologically similar to us as Cardano, is a great boone.

I, for one, am extremely happy to see we’re off to a good start with them. And I believe we should equally send emissaries to their places of discussion.

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Ye, thats nice indeed… open source in action as it should be :slight_smile:

Whoo, love that take on comparing to nations, from a own believe its what we ultimately build here cross the chains… network states/nations. Also much agree on building alliances across ecosystems with similar sets of value and principles, together we are strong is the motto, facing tribalism is the challenge.

To get Polkadot builders engaged at Cardano discussion would be an awesome thing, and actually something what we started with uniFires, a group of some Polkadot & Cardano Ambassadors who take charge of connecting people and projects across the chain, yet a challenge we face is that the people we ideally want to get engaged are already insanely busy with their work in their respective ecosystem and have very little time to engage in new work. Therefore, more than happy for anyone who’d be able & willing to enable some time and to contribute to conversations and initiatives :slight_smile: … Good space to start would be the uniFires Discord, open to anyone who’d like to

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Okay nice I didn’t know about uniFires. Glad to see someone is working on this, will check it out :+1:

And yeah certainly in these early stages I’d guess people don’t have a lot of excess energy to spend on cross ecosystem work, but if we can just move the community sentiment a bit towards ‘these people are our allies’ - that’d be a win in my book. And should come mostly free with some social discourse.