Asset Hub Brainstorming Session - Call Notes and Discussion Continuation


Summary of the AH user story outcomes

We’ve got replies from 2 teams. 3 out of 9 cases are rather business related, than technical.
The feedback shows that there’s a lack in documentation and awareness about the scope of features provided from the system. With that said, we will arrange a Webinar for both Asset Hub and Bridge Hub, where we will explain the implementation concepts of both and showcase how to conduct the user stories that are currently requested in the feedback form. We will inform you about time and date of the Webinar.

Coming to solutions that we can provide for now:

We’re currently working on a guide to show how parachains can pay fees using other assets than DOT. For now, there’s also a Polkadot JS API documentation provided.

We highly recommend to use AH as your DOT/KSM reserve instead of the Relay Chain.