Agent of the Day Bounty

The discussions here are very interesting, and I agree that it is essential to find a viable solution to meet this need. Thank you to @alice_und_bob and @shawntabrizi for your contributions, which I share. Allow me to add a few thoughts on this fascinating topic.

I believe we have three promising approaches to explore, which would add value to our ecosystem and address the need to reward content creators effectively and transparently.

  1. Using Existing Tools:
  • Leverage Grillapp’s functionalities: Grillapp already offers a robust infrastructure and a user community, which could accelerate the deployment of a viable solution. However, it would be necessary to adapt the platform to Polkadot’s specific needs, particularly regarding the collective distribution of $DOT.
  • Advantages: Existing solution, existing user community.
  • Limitations: Limited flexibility due to Grillapp’s current features, need for adaptation to specific needs, exploration of collective $DOT distribution from OpenGov.
  1. Extension for Rewarding Creators on Social Networks:
  • Develop a browser extension dedicated to the Polkadot ecosystem: This extension would allow users to tip creators in $DOT directly on platforms like Twitter, Twitch, or other social networks. The extension should be designed to integrate seamlessly with the Polkadot ecosystem and ensure a smooth and secure distribution of rewards.
  • Inspiration from Gift + Telenova: Our existing solutions could serve as a model for this approach, simplifying the tipping process and ensuring transaction security (technically not necessarily simple). (Polkadot Gifts App) (Telenova) (Tipping with Brave | Brave)
  • Advantages: Seamless integration into environments where creators are already active, maximizing engagement and reach, smooth user experience.
  • Limitations: Development and maintenance of the extension, adoption by users and content creators, exploration of collective $DOT distribution.
  1. Developing a Standalone Project with a Dedicated DAO:
  • Create a decentralized crowdfunding platform dedicated to the Polkadot ecosystem: This platform would allow anyone to submit funding requests or publish their work, facilitating rapid and agile participatory or individual funding. The platform should be designed to integrate seamlessly with the ecosystem and enable transparent and collective distribution of rewards. (OpenGov for everyone! 1 KSM = 1 DAO)
  • Inspiration from Gitcoin and OpenGov: The successful model of Gitcoin in the Ethereum ecosystem could be adapted for Polkadot, also drawing inspiration from the OpenGov ( A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) could manage the platform, ensuring transparency and fairness in the funding process when necessary.
  • Advantages: Maximum flexibility, community control, transparency, and fairness ensured by a DAO, potential for collective $DOT distribution.
  • Limitations: More complex development, need to build a community of engaged users and contributors.

Refining these ideas and determining the best approach is necessary. In any case, I am convinced that it is essential to recognize and reward community contributions to encourage continuous and quality engagement.

Thank you again for this constructive debate, and I look forward to your feedback on these proposals.

In addition to these three approaches, it is important to consider the following points:

  • Ease of Use: The reward system must be simple and intuitive for both contributors and content creators.
  • Transparency: The process of selecting winners and distributing rewards must be transparent and fair.
  • Sustainability: The reward system must be designed to be sustainable and viable in the long term without adding a layer of complexity to the existing infrastructure.

I am confident that adopting an effective contributor reward solution will strengthen community engagement. :slight_smile: Don’t hesitate to criticize me; I’m just trying to open up some chakras, maybe. :blush:

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