A real-time "fun" dashboard for Polkadot & Kusama - polkadot.wtf

Hello everyone,

I’d like to share something I built late last year with you all: polkadot.wtf

This is an attempt at showing the full Polkadot ecosystem in real-time on one page (mobile-friendly as well!).

The TPS calculation uses an exponential moving average over a period of 30 seconds to ensure all blocks are counted within the time window, providing ~fairly accurate data (which is hard when you have many chains with different blocktimes all coming in at different timestamps).

This does not include all chains, only the RPCs I could find which were public. Some RPCs are also slow to respond so you may see loading bars at times. I encourage people to take a look and I’m open to feedback. You may recognize the format of a similar ethereum rollup dashboard so my credit to them for inspiration, and thank you to regionx for providing the inspiration (& some code) for the backend.

Some eye candy for those who haven’t clicked yet:

I hope you enjoy!


Cool :sunglasses: