Hi there! I’m Manuel Pena
I’m a Back End developer and a Blockchain developer :octocat:
- I’m currently working on web3
- I’m currently learning about Zero Knowledge Proofs, Substrate
- I’m looking to collaborate on web3 development
- Ask me about… whatever you need, I love to help
- My Hobbies: Trekking , Coffee preparation techniques, Indoor Tropical Plants :seeding:
if you talk to me about it, I’ll assume you have the next half hour free - Fun fact: I love alpacas
Recently, I have been oriented towards Web3 development, with special interest in_
- Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Frameworks
- NFT minting
- DeFi (PancakeSwap, Uniswap, Sushiswap)
- Zero Knowledge Proof(ZKP) / zkEVM / zkSync
- Chains: ETH, BSC, Polygon, Polkadot, Solana