I have just posted for discussion the treasury proposal re: the testnet.
As always, any feedback is welcome
If I understand, we’re test parachain logic and parachain interactions here, but not kusama or polakdot paramaters, yes?
If so, then we could retune the approval checker paramaters, and also make parachains shutdown sometimes. Although very insecure, one extremely light configuration looks like:
num_validators = num_para_validators = 5
backing_group_size = 1 // It's possible this messes up collators
needed_approvals = 1 // Very insecure
num_cores = 10
relayVrfModuloSamples = 2 // = needed_approvals * num_cores / num_validators
We need much heftier parameters if we’re testing polkadot itself of course, but roughly this works if we’re only testing parachain logic, and messaging between parachains. We’ll need much heavier parameters for some parachain to test how effectively they use elastic scaling probably.
You could increase the machine specs too, so then you could increase relayVrfModuloSamples
and num_cores
, and maybe needed_approvals
, but without increasing num_validators
too much.
thanks Jeff.
That’s right, the point of the testnet is for parachain logic and interactions.
Protocol testing will happen on Westend.
I’ve made sure the teams managing the runtime / network have seen your post, thanks for the info!
Yeah, that’s a good suggestion - the testnet isn’t going to be economically secure anyway, so we might as well change the parameters to optimize for the number of cores (and therefore simultaneous users) rather than the security of those cores.
Small update on this thread since the network is live , we already started ingesting all the blocks for the Paseo as well as monitor availability of the network.
We’re now working on setting up further monitoring to provide both insights and an overview of the activity on the Paseo testnet, which will certainly give unique early previews of developments and experiments.
We’ll report on these too.
Once this works out we should start figuring out the modalities of the Rococo Testnet Sunset Party to bid Rococo good bye, as this will serve as a prime example of the community working together for the same goal: a reliable and robust community-run test net.
What’s the status of the Paseo relaychain? When can Polkadot parachains expect to have their testnets onboarded there?
Hi @ntn_x2 and all
We have setup a twitter account to make it easier to share information - please give it a follow → https://twitter.com/PaseoNetwork
We completed a large runtime upgrade to v1.1.2 just ahead of Polkadot.
The next step for Paseo is to build the runtime for the assethub and get it deployed in the next week.
It’s looking like we will be able to start onboarding parachains in the next 2-3 weeks from now.
We also have a public github board which we’re using if anyone is specifically interested in monitoring the individual details.
Hi all,
A quick update here
The proposal passed successfully, thanks to all those that voted and especially to those that voted in favour
We have raised a proposal to set the curators for the bounty - as defined in the original proposal. We welcome your votes → proposal link
Onto progress, we are getting closer to launched the assethub on Paseo, the tentative date is next week.
Hi @Birdo et al.
IIUC, Paseo is accepting validators and parachains already. Would it be possible to compress the onboarding requirements and steps here quickly?
Hi all,
some super exciting news - we have finally launched the asset hub and we are now accepting registration from parachains to migrate from Rococo to Paseo!
It would be great if you can follow our twitter(x) account and engage with this post to increase the visibility for others
If you’d like to migrate from Rococo Paseo, please see the detail here:
To obtain a slot for your parachain, aka upgrading your parathread to a parachain, users can log an issue in Paseo’s support repository for that, they can use the custom issue template in Sign in to GitHub · GitHub.
If you are interested in becoming a validator on the network, please see the below steps
please be aware we are close to being over subscribed for validators, but please register your interest
Again, please follow the twitter account for more info
An update from the testnet side
We now have onboarded six external parachain teams
Nodle, Laos Network, POP network, Frequency, Integritee, xcavate -
The proposal to set the curators passed and we are now taking payout requests for Q1 and Q2. Payouts will start being approved from this week. Please see GitHub - paseo-network/payouts: For raising payout requests for Paseo for more details
We are working on shipping the Polkadot v1.2 runtime upgrade
@Birdo Been sending some xcm messages with Paseo today, works good. is there any block explorers that currently supports Paseo? Is Subscan going to support Paseo in a soonish future?
gm, the paseo relay chain is already supported in subscan → https://paseo.subscan.io/