The Ledger App Debate: united we stand, divided we fall

This is cool, but again, the problem with new solutions like this one and Polkadot Vault (which is great!) is that tons of people already use Ledgers and aren’t eager to have a separate hardware device. I use a Ledger myself, and I’d strongly prefer to be able to use it with Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem tokens since I already use it for BTC, ETH, and others.

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Tons of people used to use Blackberries until Apple/Android phones came along. I got tired of the stress of needing to update my Ledger app and lost faith this year.

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Yes, I think for people like you, Polkadot Vault (or the Gameboy solution) are great. But the ecosystem needs Ledger support since it’s very widely adopted and most people want to use a single hardware solution for their various assets.

I personally also think that ledger is a legacy device that was build for static blockchains (BTC). However, for the path forward we did not sacrifice anything and proposed the best technical solution to the current problem. The ledger app will also not require frequent updates anymore, at least this is the plan. So, we will have a way to onboard the people using ledger devices.

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It looks cool. However, this is a solution for nerds and not more. You want to give your grandmother a Gameboy to let her generate a seed? How would you sign transactions with this?

For sure it would be cool to play around with this, but that is nothing for a greater audience.

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You are right, I am expecting signing with a full display over a USB connection. Seed generation alone is lame, a wallet that doesn’t sign extrinsics/txs is a fancy piece of paper.

“When something is described as a toy, that means it has everything an idea needs except being important. It’s cool; users love it; it just doesn’t matter. But if you’re living in the future and you build something cool that users love, it may matter more than outsiders think.” - Paul Graham