DOTBrno conference on 10.11.2022 in Brno, Czech Republic

Hello everybody! Good to see this Polkadot forum rising up! I’m damsky, Operations lead in KodaDot, NFT marketplace running on Kusama and other dotsama parachains.

I’m verry happy to announce that we are doing an event in Brno, Czech Republic. This event is held on 10.11.2022 as a side event to ETHBrno hackathon/conference.

Personally i’d like to kindly invite you to join us in this magnificent city with nice speakers from the ecosystem already confirmed. I’m happy to reply to your questions, if you have any. We are inviting speakers, web3 natives, IT geeks, nft artists, basicly everybody!

Eventbrite page to claim your tickets


We’ve also got telegram & twitter where you can find most of the actual information!


The events I’ve followed online hosted by or attended by KodaDot and DotSama frens are :fire:
Wish I could attend in person. Hopefully next year my Schengen visa comes through, and I’d be free to travel through Europe for events.

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It was really great experience as always with Kodadot team! Glad to be there and met so many alphas :slight_smile:

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Thank you for coming.

There are some photos from the event up on the page!

Enjoy, and hopefully, DOTBrno 2023.
Who knows:)

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First talk from the conference is out!

Hop in:

DotsamaPrague youtube is being filled with talks from the conference. Make sure to subscribe! :slight_smile:

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