Polkadot Parachain Omni-Node: Gathering Ideas and Feedback

Question for support: how is the polkadot-parachain binary supposed to be used? Running a basic command like cargo run -p polkadot-parachain-bin -- --chain <custom_chainspec_path> results in the following message: No specific runtime was recognized for ChainSpec's id: 'peregrine-kilt-paseo', so Runtime::default() will be used.

I see there’s an open issue about this: Fix `polkadot-parachain` to work just with chain-spec · Issue #3944 · paritytech/polkadot-sdk · GitHub. I can’t believe this does not work with a custom parachain chainspec, so I am sure I’m doing something wrong. Or is the binary still supposed to work only with well-known runtimes, and this omninode will work with all runtimes?

Cc @kianenigma