Plaza smart contract editor (IDE) - Project Proposal

Thanks for clearing that up. Might I suggest rewriting this point into something like “Parsing matadata.json in order to present it in a user friendly way”.

I like the idea a lot and think something like this would be hugely useful. However, the main objective of our current approach is to make the development platform as close to Solidity/EVM as possible. The reason of why we are doing that is that we don’t have to re-develop all of the tooling that already exists for Solidity. That would be a game of catch up that we can never win.

Remix (and other tools) support plugins. If possible adding PolkaVM support via a Plugin would be preferable to me. Other projects very similar to us have done this: GitHub - NethermindEth/zksync-remix-plugin: Remix plugin for zkSync

Adding a new tool is a huge endeavour and need to keep up with Remix which has active contributors.

If you think writing a new tool is the better solution long term you should discuss alternatives in your proposal. I would love to learn what are the limitations are of Remix plugins which justify a rewrite. I think if you ask for money to develop a completely new tool it would really help your case to show that you explored other avenues as well.

If there is a reason why a plugin will not provide the best experience I am not against funding the creation of a new tool. It won’t stop anyone from creating a plugin. However, I think your proposal should cover why you didn’t go down this route.