Elastic Scaling (fka Parachain Scaling by Parablock splitting)

Possibly controversial, definitely left-field…

Reading this thread, and assuming no background knowledge, one can imagine a reader concluding that the Dotsama/Substrate tech-stack doesn’t scale. Weird (and wrong) because that is what it was designed to do - scale.

The contradiction is resolved, at the expense of exposing another contradiction, by observing that this scalability issue is resolved (today) if your unit of development is a Relaychain and not a Parachain. You start off with your Relaychain having a single Parathread/Parachain and then you can scale up/out to all the Parathreads/Parachains that Relaychain can support.

The second contradiction this exposes is: Why are people trying to develop a decentralized ecosystem via a centralized “choke-point” - Polkadot? But that is another topic I’ll link to when I’ve gathered my thoughts appropriately.