Keyless accounts (AIP-61)

Is the following understanding correct. Bearing in mind the AIP-61 targets google, etc., but the idea here is to have chain-to-chain account creation, so there is likely some additional degrees of freedom available (nullifiers?).

On Substrate relay chains there is no guarantees around account privacy on the relay chain, incl Polkadot.
The AIP-61 canvases a way to use OIDC to setup an account without keys, this too has no privacy guarantees.

When AIP-61 turns to trying to introduce privacy there are wrinkles (“the privacy problem is solved badly”).

So the question for a Substrate chain would be which non-private account is to be preferred, the classically generated account or the OIDC generated account. The preference would come down to the trade offs the OIDC introduces.

Or is there some aspect I’m missing that makes the non-OIDC account strictly