How to Recover a Parachain

In my proposal, this functionality needs to be opt-in. i.e. enabled by the parachain governance. So if the parachain want’s to purposely die, it can simply opt-out first.

Another way to look at this is: I am requesting a generalized governance chain, the solo purpose is to allow people to vote and dispatch XCM to other parachain / relaychain. Then a parachain may not need to implement any native token & governance. It just need to issue token on Statemint and use this generalized governance chain for any governance actions. In fact, this is the goal of the Polkadot: the core relaychain should have no functionality other than finalizing para blocks. All the governance & token functionality are on system parachain. This shares the same design except the system parachain could be used for other community parachain.

Or when parathread is mature, parachains can also deploy an alternative governance body on parathread that can be used to rescue the main parachain under special circumstances.