Developer Experience must be our #1 Priority

Blog posts of CorePlay Actor progression working examples (of AVFs) from @bkchr et al that is about the new Polkadot 2.0 programming model. This promises to make developer experiences more “natural”, similar to how you write a normal program.

The core thing is to be less blockchain-centric. We need to learn what that means.

This is SUPER Polkadot 2.0 WIP and surely will take a few months to bake, but will usher in new developer experiences in 2024.

In addition: CoreJam’s CRJA, Polkadot’s DA vs competition relative to EIP-4844 and its improvements, the new storage chain relative to EthStorage, and how these do and do not connect to each other.

All this is in the “The Tech Will Fix It” category:

  1. Programming Model. CorePlay => CoreJam = you want to buy CoreTime, right?
  2. Performance. If you enjoy hype backed by observation ala Tesla Ludicrous mode, some of the DA probably IS ludicrously better and storage chain hopefully in similar ways but we don’t know. 2023 brought in a new concept of cores and its expected to grow, but the core big bang needs visibility.
  3. Business Owners. Someone who may be thinking about building something like dydx circa 2023 is now choosing between (OP Stack) vs Tanssi (Substrate) and is in the market for a ludicrously better not L2 chain but better designed system generally because of 1+2.

You do need to tease the above so its written by the engineers for the engineers – throughput/latency, DAGs, coscheduling for the “developer” brain, the why choose polkadot for another kind of brain.

Then, Polkadot being more than a relay chain is substantive narrative with CoreTime + ICC will be appropriate for non-engineers and the general public.